Best Political Dating Sites
The phenomenon of creating political dating sites for connecting people that support different political parties is a relatively new one. Everything began when supporters of a particular politician understood that they could not find compatible matches at general dating platforms like or OkCupid.
Moreover, when putting aside political views and dating someone with relatively high compatibility, they find out about each other’s political convictions and break up one day.
For all these reasons, supporters of different political parties concluded that founding political party dating sites is the optimal solution. Such fragmentation of general dating platforms and the birth of niche political dating sites is a natural process. Just like there are websites for religious dating – Christian Mingle, JDate or LDS Singles, or ethnicity dating – BlackPeopleMeet, Asian Dating, the same way there are political dating sites –, Righter, Liberal Hearts, etc.
Various surveys and researches conducted among single users have proved that potential partners’ political views can be a deal-breaker in relationships. While most users state that they wouldn’t mind if their children married people of the opposite party, they would never date someone who didn’t share their political views. Moreover, they are firmly against heading down the aisle with a man or woman having the opposite or different political persuasions.
For these same cases, political party dating sites come to people’s rescue. Political dating sites are platforms where supporters of a particular political party or politician can create accounts and be sure that they have the same political convictions with whoever the system matches them. Besides, users can openly express their opinions on different political issues and not dace harassment by the opposite political party’s followers.
Political dating sites reviews claim that the phenomenon of political dating has caused the launch of new niche political dating sites and the adaptation of mainstream sites and apps like OkCupid and eHarmony. Noticing the decreasing number of new users, OkCupid edited its compatibility survey and added a question to discover the percentage of people supporting Donald Trump. 72% of respondents considered voting for Donald Trump as a deal-breaker in relationships.
Since the US President D. Trump election, mainstream dating apps face another issue – “Trump supporters swipe left.” Anyone familiar with dating apps’ functionality knows that swiping left means skipping the photo because you don’t like the person and don’t want the system to match them. Supporters of Trump call this phenomenon discrimination, but for people, it’s a selective matching.
In political dating sites reviews, you’ll always find tips that can help you successfully match and meet your significant other. Here are some of them:
Logically, on political dating sites, you can find people who support a particular political party or politician. For example, the Righter and DonaldDaters, both launched in 2018, are platforms that connect the supporters of Donald Trump. NeverTrump.Dating, Democrat People Meet, a political dating website belonging to the People Media network, and Liberal Hearts welcomes democrat singles. If you want to escape from the horrors of the Trump regime, you can find like-minded people on Maple Match and leave for Canada, where you have a chance of finding a second home. Among the UK’s political dating sites, Better Together Dating welcomes 48% of the UK population who thinks that Brexit is a bad idea, and Britain is stronger as a member of the European Union. People supporting the Libertarian Party and appreciating values like personal responsibility and free will, join the Libertarian Passions dating platform.
Politics has always had a substantial impact on different aspects of life, but recent studies show that it has penetrated people’s personal lives. One’s political convictions and views have become essential criteria in dating decisions. This phenomenon is especially widespread in Europe and the United States, connected with the presidency of Donald Trump.
For understanding why political party dating sites are so popular now, one should understand what issues they consider. For example, climate change can be an obstacle for about 26% of liberals who find it impossible to date someone who doesn’t share their climate change ideas. Gun control is similarly a deal-breaker for 16% of the population, which excludes the idea of dating someone with an opposing opinion and 48% of Americans who find it difficult. Other big deal breakers in dating can be LGBTQ rights, immigration, racial minorities, abortion, religious freedom, etc.
Considering all the issues, more and more Americans delete their accounts from mainstream dating platforms and move to political party dating sites. According to political dating sites reviews, online dating is more prevalent among Democrats. 39% of Democrat supporters have at least once in life used the services of online dating platforms to find a match. Online dating is more prevalent among Democratic men – 44%. Democratic women are passive users, with only 34%. Since the issue about LGBTQ rights is a crucial break-dealer in relationships, gay and lesbian Americans are more likely to use the services of political dating sites. According to statistics, 73% of the LGBTQ community representatives have used an online dating platform to find a match, and only 32% of heterosexual Americans have relied on dating apps.
As for sharing personal information, most users are comfortable with sharing basic demographic data like age, location, sex, etc. Political dating sites reviews and reports show that only 20% of Americans share their political views on mainstream online dating platforms. The picture is different on niche political dating sites. If a person is registered on a particular political dating platform, it means that he/she shares the ideas of that political party.
There are two reliable sources of finding quality political dating sites – Google search and political dating sites reviews. By typing any keyword or keyword phrases like “political arty dating sites USA” and “political dating sites UK” you’ll let Google crawl thousands of websites and discover the ones corresponding to your search. It’s recommended to check the top results first because Google shows results according to websites’ rating.
The second source of finding a reliable political dating platform is political dating sites reviews. Users like to share their opinion of a site or app’s performance or the services it provides. By relying on these reviews, you can find a platform that perfectly fits your requirements and needs.
If you are a newcomer to the online dating world and don’t know how to choose the right political dating app or website for you, here are some excellent recommendations.
Since the market of online dating sites is large, it isn’t easy to orientate and choose the website that fits users’ requirements. Most of the time, users end up signing up for the wrong websites and paying for useless features. As a result, hundreds and thousands of people lose their faith in online dating platforms’ efficiency. For having success, it’s crucial to do comprehensive research of the website you’re going to join and make sure that it covers all the needs you have.
Here are a couple of political dating sites recommended by users.
Righter is a political dating app that targets bringing together American conservatives. The reason behind the creation of this application is the discriminatory attitude of mainstream dating platforms such as Tinder and Bumble. The users of Righter and other political dating sites state that they were rejected and harassed by other users on general dating platforms for their political connections. For that very reason, Christy Edwards Lawton created Righter – a safe place where conservatives and supporters of President Donald Trump can feel at home.
The application isn’t designed for friendship or hookup relationships. It’s a platform that encourages live meaningful communication between men and women. The Righter app is loyal to some conservative ideas. For example, it doesn’t promote feminism; instead, they find that men should be gentlemen and rich out, initiate communication, and invite to date first. Ladies should have ladylike behavior and appreciate men’s efforts. The Righter app welcomes only straight male and female users because developers of the platform have been accused of discrimination and being homophobic.
Democratic People Meet
In response to political party dating sites designed exceptionally for conservative singles, Democrats have developed apps and websites only for themselves. The Democratic People Meet website is one of the political dating sites that, as the name of the website confirms, gathers together only the Democratic Party of the United States supporters. The website belongs to People Media – a network of niche online dating websites acquired by in 2009.
Your journey with Democratic People Meet begins with creating an account on the platform. The whole registration process consists of six steps. After clicking the “Search Now” button, you should specify who you are a man/woman looking for a man/woman, and your country – the USA or Canada, and zip code. After entering your email address and setting a password, you can log in to your account. It’s recommended to immediately complete the profile details and upload a least one profile picture for better visibility of your profile.
Multiple political dating sites reviews prove that the work of these platforms is highly efficient. Being rejected by mainstream dating platforms or getting disappointed with their uselessness, many people prefer moving to political party dating sites to connect with like-minded people. The warranty of political dating sites’ work is the member base’s homogeneity – all users support the same political party and politician. Hence, users aren’t afraid of expressing their opinions or discussing a political topic.
Political party dating sites claim that all profiles on the platforms belong to real people. For ensuring the authenticity of profiles, dating websites implement email and photo verifications to make sure that registrants provide valid information. However, regardless of political sites’ efforts, there can be fake accounts as well. So, it’s always recommended to be alert and take precautionary steps for staying safe.
Each website has its security measures and procedures for keeping users’ data safe. Users can get familiar with those procedures by reading the Privacy Policy and Security pages. Some websites may give exceptionally high importance to their members’ safety and create a page – Safety Tips, including guidelines and safe online dating recommendations.
As you could see, mainstream dating platforms don’t fit the requirements of many people who actively support political parties and politicians. Just like religion or sexual orientation, one’s political affiliation can also be a deal-breaker in relationships. Nowadays, many people prefer to date and marry those who have the same values and political views. That’s why, instead of wasting their precious time on mainstream dating platforms, people prefer to register on political party dating sites. These platforms are wildly popular in the United States and the United Kingdom. There are political sites for conservatives and liberals, supporters of Donald Trump and anti-Trump communities, supporters of Brexit, etc. On these political dating sites, people feel safe and express their thoughts without the fear of being harassed by opponents.
Gender Ratio
40% | 60%
Popular Age
25 - 45
Gender Ratio
37% | 63%
Popular Age
25 - 45
Gender Ratio
60% | 40%
Popular Age
25 - 45
Gender Ratio
42% | 58%
Popular Age
25 - 45